I found these photos while browsing through my mom's computer files and thought they showed how fast my little ones have grown. Tara Beth previously was a lot larger than her little brother, but now Baz is just about to overtake her in size. Despite the change in size, Baz still knows that his sister is still in charge!
These are a few photos from the trip we recently took to the Zoo in Monroe. The tiger was the highlight of the visit, until my nephew took a spill head first into a hole full of ZOO MUD! Yes, the nastiness was as bad as you can imagine. I'm envious of the calmness that my sister-in-law showed during the ordeal. I would've been a basket case, not just b/c of the funk, but b/c of the lack of wipes, clean clothes, etc. I even apologized for capturing the fall on film, but it will be a priceless memory for him later in life.